Florida Forever: Delray Beach

Hurricane Gustav hightailed it over to New Orleans on the same day we had planned to do the same.  We decided to be gentle(wo)manly and give it the run of the place while we stayed put in Florida.  After visiting Kieley on the gulf coast, we decided the trip would not be complete without completely covering all Floridian ground, so off to Delray Beach we went.  (Where we never did see the beach, but that’s another story for another day.)  After a series of bad directions, we managed to find our way to see Cousin Beth, Rob, Sassy, Rascal (whose name says it all), and Bad Kitty (ditto).


This is Beth’s lovely birthday present for her father.  We won’t mention that it was all junk she found in her closet at the last second.


Beth, there were ants in your pool.  They bit us.


Caitlin licks the Frontline off of Sassy’s neck.


The dogs sit still long enough for a picture after an exciting night. Beth and Rob let a lost dog into the house. Sassy isn’t fixed and the lost dog earned the nickname, “Remy the Red Rocket.”


Rascals plots her assault on the iguanas of Beth’s yard.


And now, for your viewing pleasure… DRUM ROLL PLEASE… a VIDEO!!!!!!




Oops.  Well, maybe not today.


In other news, we still need our bathing suits back.  Thanks.