Manifest Destiny

WHEREAS Divine Right grants these United States of America and her Citizens precedence over the Lands reaching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean;

WHEREAS Caitlin Marie and Andrew Francis are Citizens of this Great Land by Nature of Birth;

WHEREAS they have recently received Degrees as Bachelors of the Arts from University;

WHEREAS their Leases are up and they don’t want to Hang Around anymore;

THEREFORE they will make Pilgrimage to the Shining Lights of the Western Shore,

HENCEFORTH known as San Francisco.

Published on July 23, 2008 at 9:31 am  Comments (7)  

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7 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I need a postcard!

  2. Sassy, Rascal, and Bad Kitty dont know why you left them behind so you will need to come back and see them!! In the meantime, safe travels and lots of love from the sunshine state.

  3. Well you dodged a bullet in Gustov but there are still tornados, speed traps, ravenous animals, bad food, disease, pestilence etc. out there. Between Gustov and the Everglades you can check off hurricanes and pestilence. Good start!
    How is the Golden Dragon holding up? Your Mother and I have decided to kick in for all the gas till you get to San Fran so use the credit card and do the speed limit [it saves gas and lives]. Speaking of gas, how is your acid reflux? love… me

  4. I really don’t what else to say except wow. You never cease to amaze.

  5. MONTANA!?!?!?! You’ve been on this trip for the past 10 years, but it seems quite amazing from what I’ve read on this site. Hopefully I’ll be able to make it out to San Francisco myself to hear the stories in person. And why does Sassy look like Buster’s long lost sister?!

    -Cousin B

    PS- my address is:
    12 Champney St #2
    Brighton, MA 02135

  6. I’ve been looking for Cousin B’s address for a long time. It’s finally appeared!

  7. Cousin B finally realized that he can’t get a postcard without giving his address. Now, everyone-who-reads-this-blog’s new mission is to send postcards to Cousin B. He needs inspiration for a new song.


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